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Being Ethical at Work #WorkWorld

Posted: Tue Feb 13, 2018 10:04 am
by bajayi

1. Follow company policies: Take some time to read your company’s manual to make sure that you are following all of the rules. If you think you are in violation of any of these rules, consult with your boss.
For instance, perhaps you are in a relationship with a coworker. If this is against company policy, you need to inform your supervisor and end the relationship or else find another job.

2. Keep your private life private: At work, avoid discussing intimate details about your life with your coworkers. Create friendships at work, but keep your discussions light while in the office. Check in with your coworkers regularly, go out to lunch together, and discuss things like vacations, TV shows, your kids, or your hometown.

3. Be a dependable and reliable employee: If you tell your boss that you will go to a meeting in her place, go. This will help to establish trust between you and others. Keep all of your meetings and appointments unless something serious, like an illness, comes up to change them. Complete all of your projects before they are due and to the best of your ability.
Do not over-commit to too many tasks or volunteer to do tasks that you are not qualified to do.
Admit when you don't know something or if you don't feel like you can handle it.