Yay!!! It's time for another exciting Edition of the Rose of Sharon Foundation - Youth Empowerment Programme (... a window of opportunity with Mrs. Folorunso Alakija @alakijaofficial) #ROSFYEP2019
#ROSFYEP is the Foundation’s career development and capacity building programme for graduates and undergraduates, job seekers, working class and self-employed youths. It is tailor-made to address specific career needs of the participants. The aim is to equip them with knowledge and life changing skills they need for self-reliance to support their families and become a useful part of the society.
THEME: Reshaping the Mindset of the Nigerian Youths - A Step towards a Better Future
DATE: Saturday, 27th April 2019
VENUE: Yaba College of Technology - Multipurpose Hall
ENTRY is FREE, all you have to do is VISIT OUR WEBSITE www.theroseofsharonfoundation.org TO REGISTER.
Hurry now, spaces are limited.
Tell a friend to tell a friend.
#ReachOutAndTouch #ROSF #RoseOfSharonFoundation #NigerianYouths #YouthEmpowerment #CareerDevelopment #CapacityBuilding #YEP #FolorunsoAlakija
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